Who controls it? You or the world around you?
We all go through periods where we let the world around us control our destiny but, for the most part, that’s a choice we make. We sometimes choose to curl up and just try to avoid being “hit’ by the stuff around us and that’s ok. Sometimes we just need to recoup before we go back into battle. Eventually, we have to get back on our feet and charge forward again.
Even the military occasional has to rethink their plans before fighting forward again!
As an individual, one of the things you can do is develop a good habit of just developing good habits. I suggest you start with reading. Do you realize that if you read just 10 pages a day, maybe 15 minutes of your time, you will have read 12 – 15 books a year? I recommend starting with The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen. He manages to boil life down to some simple ideas that anyone can buy into. Follow that up with Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker and he will help you understand how we hold ourselves back.
I guess the real question is: Will you control your own destiny?
P.S. What am I thankful for today?
I’m thankful life presents new opportunities every day. I’m thankful God gave me free will to think for myself. I’m thankful for every experience I have had in this life, including the challenges.
What are you thankful for today?
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