In Stephen J Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, he talks about the circle of influence versus the circle of concern. I’m still in the first quarter of the book but I can already tell that I will recommend the read.
The circle of concern is an area where we worry about the challenges we face and the circle of influence is where we have control. So often we spend far too much time in the circle of concern that we don’t take any action. Yes, there are some things beyond our control. Those who are highly effective will recognize what they can’t control and move over to the circle of influence where we can address those issues that we can effectively deal with. We then use our own power to influence environment, people or events to tackle the problems we are faced with. Personally, I don’t believe in problems, just challenges! Which circle are you going to live in? Make it a great day! Barry P.S. What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful for all those vets over the years that have protected our freedom to do things like this blog. I’m thankful for a restful weekend. I’m thankful for my faith. What are you thankful for today? |