I believe there is a different connection with our firstborn. We don’t love them more, it’s just different.
They are our first experience becoming parents, first steps, first bumps, first loves, first heartbreaks and first university bills!
We typically expect more of the first born. “You are setting the example for your sister!” “If something happened to your mother and I, I hope you would look after your sister.” And so on. As a result we make them grow up so much faster and then try to backtrack with the next one. “Quit trying to grow up so fast!”.
In a way, I’m lucky enough to have two “firstborns”. The oldest was only four when I met my wife so I was there for everything after first bumps. I can’t believe she’s a teacher now! We are so proud of her.
Sometimes, because of age differences, we expect the firstborn to act more grown up and forget she’s still one of our children too and treat her as too adult. She still needs her parents just like the rest. It’s just that we are so proud of her!
Well, she’ll be 27 this year and still my little girl. I can’t give her baby doll rides any more but I hope she still lets me give her hugs when she’s happy or hurting. Actually, I’ll take them any time I can get them!
I love you honey,
What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful God gave me such a beautiful daughter. I’m thankful for such a wonderful world. I’m thankful for such a wonderful life!