The Logitech C920 is a great webcam. I was really surprised the difference it made on my Lenovo laptop with integrated video.
Logitech C920
I read about this webcam recently in a blog that talked about the importance of having a good webcam and not using integrated cameras. I thought it was a load of crap but thought the cost was worth the experiment. I really hate to admit I was wrong!!!
This webcam is a high definition camera with almost as high resolution as my Pentax camera! Up to 15 megapixel. My Pentax is 20. The negative is that the microphones are a little too good. When mounted on my laptop, it really picks up the hum of the cooling fan. One of the reasons I chose that camera is it has a screw mount which means it can be used with a tripod. I really wish I could find that blog I referred to earlier to link to! It’s bang on so far. Guess what I’m picking up next!
Blue Snowball
The microphone I want to try is the Snowball by Blue, the same manufacturer as the Yeti. I’m betting there may be another blog to come! From what I see in the specs and online, the Blue is able to pick up sounds from more than one direction and will require using an isolate space when I’m doing this stuff. Looks like I will have to commandeer a room! I’m betting there is another blog to come.
Pure Leverage Suite of Tools
All of this works really well with the Pure Leverage Suite of tools. This is what got me started with all of this. Now, I just can’t help myself! If you are trying to brand yourself and develop a good online presence, this suite saves huge amounts of time and money.
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