Source unknown: Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who…
I SLAM Islam!
Ok, that was to get your attention. I don’t slam Islam, only those Iranians in…
Why you need an estate plan
Estate planning might sound like a tool for the wealthy. But the truth is, just…
They don’t want you to know!
I’m listening to a CD series that really delves into the secrets of the wealthy…
Grace – a business analogy
The past weekend, the pastor did a discussion on Grace. During the sermon, I couldn’t…
I was invited to attend a gathering of friends from high school. That means some…
Church – Not My Thing
It’s amazing how many people say “don’t send me religious stuff”. Why? Is your faith…
“How I’d Hack Your Passwords” – Prevention Tips from an Internet Security Specialist
“How I’d Hack Your Passwords” – Prevention Tips from an Internet Security Specialist Fri, 15…