I know the real story of Christmas is about our Saviour and I Can’t imagine if He had never been born. (Look up “The Great Silence” and click on “watch”) The reality is we get far more excited about Santa these days. I always remember what Christ did for us but Santa’s coming soon! If you want to keep track of his movements, you can go to the Norad page where there is a lot of information and you can track Santa’s movements by satellite.I remember as a kid sitting by the radio when we were at my Grandmother’s house on Christmas Eve and listening to where Santa was. Eventually, Mom and Dad would tell us it was time to go so that Santa can come to our house. We would go home where we were allowed to open one present before we went to bed. It’s funny, we were always excited to open that present and yet we always knew it was new pajamas. Often, Mom would actually make them herself so that we all had a matching set. She carried that on with my kids over the years. I’m going to miss that this year. Maybe Santa will bring us new ones this year. Three more sleeps. I can’t wait! Merry Christmas to all and make it a great day, Barry P.S. What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful for the wonderful memories my parents created for us. I’m thankful all my kids will be home for Christmas dinner this year. I’m thankful I will see my grand daughter for brunch this year. What are you thankful for today? |