We often make the mistake of believing that our teenagers don’t care. We think they don’t want to spend time with us or eat with us or we think they generally just want to avoid us.
“Us” would be parents! I’ve come to believe the reality is we just speak different languages and need to take the time to learn how to communicate. We usually expect the kids to give in to us rather than working to find common ground. Would we do that with people we work with? I’ll tell you that by the time my kids reached high school, they were smarter than some adults I know but I often forgot that. Over the last year, I have watched my son mature into a very pleasant young man to be around. We have both changed and much for the better. I’m glad he had patience with me. So, take the time to listen and treat teenagers like adults. They will step up to the plate if you let them. Make it a great day! Barry P.S. What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful to be blessed with such a wonderful son. I’m thankful God helps to keep him safe. I’m thankful my wife helps me to understand! What are you thankful for today? |