I was doing some research on various days of recognition the other day when I came across something that I remembered a Jewish friend of mine mentioning.
We had some back and forth email which helped me to understand one of the days I had seen.
This made me realize just how diverse our country is and as a result, amazingly interesting. We should take more time to talk to friends from different cultures and understand some of the various customs and observations. Usually around religious beliefs.
Dare to be different and then share it! Everyone will benefit.
I have often said that I believe it would be great if we could send our kids somewhere off shore to experience different places and customs. Two reasons. One, they just may experience something in a positive way that they bring back and spread. Positives can be contagious if you let them. Secondly, they may learn to appreciate the positive things in their lives.
Isn’t it amazing how quickly we absorb and share negatives? Why can’t we do the same in a positive way?
It’s a choice.
Make it a great day!
P.S. What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful for diversity. I’m thankful for new beginnings. I’m thankful for friends who will trust enough to share.
What are you thankful for today?
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