The discussion at Connexus this week was part of the beginning of a new series. This one focused on getting involved.
There are those who attend. Whether that applies to Church, School or business. Then there are those who get involved. Have you ever noticed who has more fun and gets more from the particular activity? Usually the ones who get involved!
When my children were involved in competitive soccer, our community didn’t have a competitive tournament. We always had to travel. Having at least one at home saves a lot of time and money. Not being one to complain without offering support, I got involved.
Our goal as a group for that tournament was to provide a venue to showcase the talent in our city and to raise the profile of the city itself. Initially, we hoped to have at least 80 teams and not lose any money. We had 128 teams and made around $14,000 that was able to fund development for our players! All because a few of us got involved.
My personal gain from that was having one less tournament that I had to leave town for. The activity was something that I was able to share with my family and I have to say, it’s really nice being able to say I was a part of creating such a great tournament. We now host approximately 200 teams and bring 10,000 people out to share in a great family activity. We actually have people who end up having to take hotels outside the city and drive in because of the success of this tournament!
If you truly want to make a change, whether just in your own life or in the world around you, get involved. It’s classic, the hardest part is the first step. Once that step is taken, it’s amazing how easy it gets and the rewards are spectacular on many levels. You grow personally, professionally and spiritually.
Make it a great day!
P.S. What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful for Barrie Soccer. I’m thankful for Knights of Columbus. I’m thankful for Talk Is Free Theatre (TIFT).
What are you thankful for today?
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