Canada turns 144 on Friday.
Did you know that it wasn’t Canada Day until until 1982? That was when Canada actually became independent of the United Kingdom. Up until then, the day was recognized as Dominion Day. Does anyone remember Dominion Stores?
My grandfathers both fought for this country and I think we need to make sure that we never forget that had it not been for men like them and like the soldiers in Afghanistan today, this country could be very different than it is today.
Wear your reds and whites with pride this Canada Day and let the world know just how proud you are to be Canadian!
Happy Canada Day!
What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful to be born Canadian and that I didn’t have to face the hardships that new Canadians did to come to this country. I’m thankful my children didn’t have to experience growing up anywhere else in the world. I thank God for this wonderful country!
What are you thankful for today?
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