2011 has left us!
It was a great year and I’m really looking forward to 2012. We can spend all of our time focused on the challenges that presented themselves last year or we can choose to see all of the wonderful things that resulted from those challenges. What will your choice be? 2012 looks like there may well be issues with economies but if you look back in history, you will see that means there will be the greatest opportunities for wealth transfer. You are already starting to hear people talk about the pending doom. What we need to be careful of is to hear the whole message. Most telling those stories are following with suggestions for ways to take advantage of what appear to be huge challenges. The challenges ARE huge but the potential rewards are also huge! Those who rely solely on the income from their employment might be wise to consider adding alternative sources of income. For those with cash, there are possible investments. For those of us who don’t have spare cash, you might want to consider a business opportunity. For most of us, it’s fear of the unkown that stops us from taking a chance. I’m not suggesting to “bet the farm”. I am suggesting that a small investment in a business opportunity may well change your life. Now, that’s scary! What if my friends and family are left behind? I suggest to you that if you present the same opportunity to them and they choose not to come with you, then being left behind is their choice. It’s not your job to make decisions for them. You do have a responsibility to ensure they have the same opportunity that you did. Will you be left behind because you bought into some else’s fears? Make it a great day! Barry What are you thankful for today? |