I’m a proud Canadian but the last couple of weeks have made me believe the we are soft!
I’m working in a building that is about 50 years old, was full of asbestos and had poor heating and ventilation. The building owners are working to make the building safe and functional again and this has caused some discomfort and disruption in the office.
This past winter we were complaining that the building was too cold. It was 20C! Do you realize how many people are living in poverty and can’t afford ANY heat? Now we’re complaining because they are replacing the air conditioning. We have portable units that are challenged to keep the heat under 28C but that’s about the worst of it. We’re all whining and complaining! Again, how many people are working in 40C or higher and would love to be in our workplace? How many are living in places surrounded by poverty and disease in much worse heat than this and can’t find any comfort, ever?
We, as Canadians, need to step back and appreciate this great country of ours. Surrounded by opportunity for health, wealth and happiness.
I thank God every day that I wasn’t born in a place like Afganistan, surrounded by violence and poverty with little real hope of changing my life. I thank God every day for the opportunities to develop myself and to help others see their own great strengths. And I thank God every day for the great health, wealth and happiness that is available to all Canadians.
We juse need to open our eyes and our hearts to realize how great this country is.
So to sum it up: Suck it up, Buttercup!
Rain or shine, tomorrow will be a wonderful day in Canada!
I have already said what I’m thankful for today. What are you thankful for?