I spent a few hours yesterday with my sister and brothers sharing time with Dad.
Last year, Dad had a stroke and still can’t walk unassisted or use his left arm. This is a man that we thought was superman! He still is if you leave out the physical part.
And that’s the point I want to make today.
The government body that I work for has a policy supporting diversity in the workplace. It all looks really good on paper but I find it doesn’t mean much until you are affected yourself. In this case, through my father. Some places are hard to get into. There are few activities he can be a part of because he just can’t get there.
I have to commend my brother who had a stroke of genius. He needed help moving a whole pallet of bags of concrete from one side of the house to the other. He lives in the countryside with a fairly large yard. He cuts his lawn with a lawn tractor. I don’t know what made him think about it but he figured that if we put Dad on the tractor, he could drive.
I know we are not supposed to drive one handed but he’s been driving his car that way for years.
We loaded the trailer attached to the tractor and Dad drove!
It was so nice to see Dad be able to participate in an activity with his kids.
Next time you see someone with a challenge, instead of seeing them as disabled, why not see the opportunities for what they CAN do? We all have things that we are unable to do and we strive to find the ones we can. Just apply that to everyone equally!
Have a great day!
What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful my Dad survived his stroke. I’m thankful I have such a wonderful and supportive family. I’m thankful that all my kids and even my grand daughter called yesterday to wish me a Happy Father’s Day!
What are you thankful for today?
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