We attended a service at Connexus yesterday that used a great way to present the importance of prioritizing your time.
I posted an email I received a while ago with a similar concept.
In this case, the pastor used two large glass containers, some large rocks and some pebbles. First, he had a jar 2/3 full of pebbles and loaded the large black rocks on top. The result was that he really had to work to get the rocks in and really wasn’t able to. The rocks were precariously perched on top of the jar and could easily have fallen off. He referred to one of these as “the God rock”. The point he was making was in reference to the importance of God in our lives.
Then, he moved the large rocks into the other container followed by the pebbles afterward. There was room left over!
Although I certainly support the importance of God in our lives, I believe we need to look at this from a very basic level.
The large rocks are also our family, work and major priorities in our lives. The pebbles represent the little things like golfing, browsing the net and blogging. If we put the big rocks first, we manage to actually get in a little more of the smaller pebbles. So, why is it that we seem to always worry about the little things?
This actually reminds me of a series of books including “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff About Money”. I certainly recommend these as good coffee table books.
In summary, look after the big stuff first and the rest is easy!
God Bless and make it a great day,
P.S. What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful for the wonderful evening with friends last night. I’m thankful for my beautiful wife! I’m thankful for this beautiful day!
What are you thankful for today?
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