My mother was an amazing lady who left this earth early in life after many years that were very hard on her physically.
In that last year, Mom fell down a flight of 15 steps, Dad had a heart attack and my son, her grandson, was dying.
Through all of that, she was more concerned about my Dad and how my family was doing than she was about her own health. She couldn’t walk around the mall without running out of breath and she hurt all the time yet she dragged herself up to Barrie to be with us when we needed her.
One tough lady! I can only hope that I can be half the person my mother was.
It sounds so cliche yet she really is in a better place now. No more pain and I’ll bet still watching out for us. She never quits.
I love you and miss you Mom!
What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful I was blessed with such wonderful parents. I’m thankful my Dad has the strenght to fight to get better every day. I’m thankful for my siblings who have stepped into the breach to look after Dad.
What are you thankful for today?