Deficits are often used to get us through challenging times. We run time deficits to achieve work and life balance. What does balance mean to you?
- Money
- Energy
- Time
There are never enough hours in the day. We steal time from family for work. We built bigger cities to achieve economy of scale. Now we pay higher taxes and many are traveling a couple of hours to get to work. Now instead of 9 or 10 hours for work, we spend 13-14 hours.
When we get home, there is little energy left to meet the needs of our family let alone friends or hobbies. We end up paying others to do the things we used to do like home maintenance. Yet another drain on the budget. Many start using credit as a bridge to pay day. Just like government, we are typically running a deficit.
We can make and lose money over and over but we just can’t recover or create more time.
When it comes to work and life, we are doing a disservice to ourselves and our families if we insist that each always has equal time. Especially if you measure in small increments. For example, I’ll never let work interfere with my weekends or evenings. What if you need an afternoon to go somewhere with your partner or family? Can you do that if you never flex the other way?
“Balance” is about being able to make adjustments on your terms. When you are growing a business, you may need to sacrifice precious family time in order to have more later. It’s much the same when you are in a healthy employment situation. Your employer recognizes you are building their dream and flexes in your favour once in a while so you won’t leave.
Work life balance is up to you to define, whether you work for someone else or you run your own business.
Make Work Fun
When your work isn’t aligned with your core values, dreams and goals, it stops being fun. Now you have a huge deficit in time and energy borrowed from other areas in your life.
Find what it is that excites you and make that your work. All of a sudden, work becomes a reward for you AND your family. Do good doing life and there is no longer a time deficit to make up for. Now the fruits of your efforts have produced a surplus. You might even start to lead others to the path you are on so they can have as much fun, time and money as you!
Make it a great day!
P.S. What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful for God in my life. I’m thankful for time. I’m thankful for opportunity.
What are you thankful today?
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