Human developers are people who constantly strive to help others achieve their personal potential. Multi Level Marketing (MLM) companies are built on the backs of the greatest human developers. Do you have it in you?
Human Developers
Who are human developers?
- Parents
- Teachers and Coaches
- Leaders
These are our first exposure to human developers. Parents’ primary role is to meet our basic needs.
- Shelter
- Sustenance
- Safety
Our parents initially provide: a safe place to live; food and water that is safe to eat and drink; a safe environment where we can learn and grow. These primary caregivers create a safe space where we can try things we have never tried before and trust that they will protect us from ourselves, to a degree. They also make decisions on when it’s safe to let us fail so that we can learn how to stretch and achieve our greatest potential.
Primary caregivers have a responsibility to teach us to fail. Repeatedly. They give encouragement to get back up and try again until we succeed. Think about when you learned to ride a bike. Mom or Dad, Aunt or Uncle, someone held the back of the back until they could see that we had found balance. Then they let go. You probably did just fine until you looked back for assurance and discovered you were on your own, and then you fell. Your caregiver ran up, soothed your fears, and then insisted you get back on the bike again. This likely happened a number of times until you finally believed you could do it by yourself. I’ll bet you finally reached a point where you said “Let go, I can do it!”.
Thank God for our parents and caregivers, our first human developers.
Teachers and Coaches
Eventually, teachers and coaches step in and assist parents in helping even greater achievements. From the time we hit preschool to the time we finish post secondary education, our parents put us in the hands of others to help hone life skills in the hopes that we will some day achieve our greatest potential.
The old saying is “It takes a village to raise a child.” speaks to parents recognizing that they can’t be everywhere at the same time. While Mom and Dad are amazing people and know an awful lot, they don’t know everything. This is where “the village” comes in. For example, I never played soccer in my life but three of my children played competitive sports. One of the kids is now a high school teacher. She needed a lot more than me to learn the skills necessary to do that. My daughter has become a human developer.
Leadership and MLM
“The teacher appears when the student is ready”! This is where the true leaders show up. Leaders aren’t necessarily people with technical authority but are people with “moral” authority. They have earned the privilege of being an influence in their community whether in business or in school. Are you a leader and human developer?
MLM or Multi Level Marketing companies often produce great leaders. People join MLMs for many different reasons. Most begin because they are looking to change their financial circumstances. Good MLM companies understand the need for personal growth to achieve financial success. They have systems in place to achieve success in business but even more than that, great MLM companies have human development strategies and training in place to help people take advantage of those systems over time.
By working on the self, developing the person as a whole, great leaders develop and rise to the top. You may not be interested in MLM but they teach great lessons in leadership and human development. Oh, and you may actually make some extra money along the way!
Make it a great day,
P.S. What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful for God in my life. I’m thankful for the wonderful teachers in my life. I’m thankful for great MLM companies.
What are you thankful for today?
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