A friend sent this to me and I believe we all need to remember we…
Missing Tax Files! Has your identity been compromised?
In today’s Metro, there is an article about Canada Revenue losing the confidential files of…
Middle Aged Crazy
I don’t know what it is but something seems to happen to people after they…
I Can’t Hear You!
In Unlimited Power, Anthony Robbins discusses how we process information. He makes the point that…
‘Tis The Season
RSP season that is. This is the time of year you will start to see…
Get up off your backside…
Did you know that sitting can kill you? A little over a year ago, I…
Foreclosure … for Paying Mortgage Too Early
Article Features Couple Who Faces Foreclosure … for Paying Mortgage Too Early Mon, 29 Aug…
Making “Sense” of Things
We all receive information differently and sometimes we forget that. Each of us usually interprets…
Seeing Things!
There was an article released by Canadian Press on October 25 about what people see…
Keep Your Head Up!
In Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins, he comments on the connection between the physical and…