A friend is someone who listens without judging.
A friend is someone who calls “just because”. A friend is someone who is there in good times and bad. A friend is someone you can call at 3am and know they will pick up the phone. We are lucky enough to be blessed with friends in a couple that we met over 20 years ago and just spent a weekend celebrating his 50th birthday. It’s not often that, as a couple, you can be that close with another couple. Usually it’s the wife’s friend and you accept the husband or vice versa. This past weekend we spent time with a couple I would describe as a couple of our best friends and not once was there any time where we felt uncomfortable. We could speak our minds and not worry about being judged. We shared some wonderful memories of our families growing up and shared some hopes and dreams going forward. Being a friend can sometimes be difficult. Sometimes you need to remind yourself that you are not them and they are not you. The biggest challenge is remembering that it’s ok to be different! Always remember that in order to have friends, you need to be one. The next time the phone rings at 3am, remember that it’s your turn to be the friend! You never know when you will be the one that needs to make the call. I believe that if we focus on making friends when we meet someone, we can’t help but enrich our lives and make the world around us a better place to live. I thank God for the wonderful friends that we have been blessed with in our lives and hope that we have taught our children to do the same. Make it a great day! Barry P.S. What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful for Karen and Darrel and our many other friends. I’m thankful my parents taught me the value of friendship. I’m thankful for my wonderful family. What are you thankful for today? |