Merry Christmas!Last night, I was fixing up the lights and decorations on my tree. At one point, Nat King Cole and The Christmas Song came on. Then I suddenly missed my Mom.
This really drove home that although Christmas is about the birth of our saviour, it’s also the one time of year that family focuses on each other. And I think that’s really important! As life takes hold, we all become so busy. There are parent teacher meetings, soccer teams, hockey teams, ballet, dance and so on. Oh, I forgot, and we have to work for a living. With Sunday shopping now, the kids are often working and there just never seems to be time to get together. This is a season that was established by the Christians who founded this country. Don’t let them take Christ out of Christmas. You will NEVER hear me say happy holidays. My wish to you is Merry Christmas! If someone wishes me Happy Hanukah or whatever represents their particular holiday, I am glad to receive their wish for well being just as expect them to accept mine. I don’t expect them to defer to my religion, just respect it. So, spend some time with your friends and family this Christmas season. The drive tells them you care enough to be with them. All we want in this world is to know we are appreciated and loved. Make the effort. You’ll be glad you did! From my family to yours, Merry Christmas. Make it a great day! P.S. What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful my father is still alive to share Christmas with us. I’m thankful my Grandmother is still here to share Christmas with us. I’m thankful my children will all be home for Christmas! What are you thankful for today? |