I’m reading The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. I have to admit I’m finding this a little difficult after losing my son to cancer and imagining the thoughts that must have been running through his mind.The one comment “..that kids – more than anything else – need to know their parents love them. Their parents don’t have to be alive for that to happen.” is particularly hard to read.
I know it’s true because I know that I will make sure my grand daughter never doubts how much her father loved her. He lived at least a year longer than anyone expected and I believe it’s because he wanted to make sure she at least had some memory of her father, however faint that might be. What I hope will never be faint, is the strength and power of that love. I have heard comments like I wonder how long it takes to get over losing a child. I don’t believe you ever do. All that you can do is make sure that you give your all to the world while you are here. It’s my job now as Grandpa to show my grand daughter that the world is an amazing place and life is full of adventure. My son would not want it any other way. I can only hope that my “Last Lecture” can be nearly as inspiring as that of Randy Pausch. Make it a great day! (I know I choose to.) Barry What are you thankful for today? |