You studied hard and you have become a great teacher in your MLM business. Now it’s time to teach the teachers!
Becoming a Great Teacher
When you join a Multi-level Marketing (MLM) business, the first thing you need to do is learn how to teach others to do what was done to you. How do you do that?
5 Things to do and become a great teacher.
- Attend the regular business briefings.
- Attend the regular training sessions.
- Attend the special monthly/quarterly/annual events.
- Seek opportunities for personal development.
- Read 10 pages of a good book every day.
The main reason to join a MLM opportunity is because they have taken the time to develop solid systems. Are you willing to follow the leader?
By attending regular meetings and special events, you will be exposed to people who have traveled the path before you and helped to develop the ongoing training and tools provided by your company. You will be exposed to great leaders that you can model and learn from. The real challenge is that leaders have a hard time learning to follow. In order to have the next leaders follow your path, you need to show them how it’s done.
To be truly successful in business, you need to leverage the efforts of others. The flip side is that you have to accept that others are leveraging you and that’s OK. Rather than resenting the success of those who have gone before you, watch and listen to how they developed their business. Ask them for advice and guidance. True leaders love to help others succeed. Will you let them help you?
Don’t just learn how to sell your product or service. Learn how to teach others to do what you did, just like someone did for you. Become a human developer.
There will be naysayers and dream stealers in your path. Don’t let those crabs pull you down. Show your followers how to find their happy place and stay focused on taking their business to the next level.
Becoming the Teacher’s Teacher
You are a great teacher! Your business has some legs and your team is productive. Now, how do you take it to the next level? You become the teacher’s teacher.
Not everyone in your organization is going to be a great leader or teacher. Remember the 80/20 rule. Twenty percent of your team will produce eighty percent of your income. Conversely, the other 80% of your people will produce 20% of your income. This is where you need to understand how to apply leverage. When you create leverage, it buys you freedom.
Identify the 20% of your team that will be the next leaders. You will know them by their ability to be self motivated and their ability to stay positive. These are the people who are willing to learn and want to teach.
Find mentors and other human developers to work with you and help you teach the teachers. Develop that next group of leaders who you can help to achieve their dreams. Teach them to teach their teams to develop and grow their own teams. Pay it forward!
Make it a great day,
P.S. What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful for each new sunrise. I’m thankful for the people who have touched my life. I’m thankful for opportunities to grow.
What are you thankful for today?
Finding affordable opportunities to learn can be very difficult these days. Is there something you can do that provides extra value to you and brings you in contact with great leaders at the same time?
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