Birds of South River are plentiful spring 2024! Particularly the last week of April and first week of May.
Shooting Birds!
Shooting birds can be tricky. I’ll admit I’m jealous of those who are good at it. It takes a lot of work and patience to get natural shots. I cheat. I have a property surrounded by a mix of tall pines, birch and a really nice azalea bush outside my office window they really like to hide in. Of course, the feeder tree with four feeders I picked up from Costco helps! Although, if they catch the reflection of my lens, they are quick to flit to the bushes or trees until they think I’m not paying attention.

This year, I picked up the HD Pentax-DA55-300mm PLM ED WR RE lens and have been shooting with either the Pentax K-50 or the K-S1. The choice of camera is usually weather dependent although shots are sharper on the K-S1.
Birds of South River – Types (Spring 2024)
During spring migration, there are many different types and then it settles into a few regulars. The photos below are all from my front or back yard. Yes, I cheat a bit. I have feeders but the property is surrounded by tall trees and they like to hide in the pines.
The ones that migrate through are:
- Evening Grosbeak
- Red Breasted Grosbeak
These ones tend to hang around until the fall:
- American Goldfinches
- Brown Headed Cowbird
- Dark Eyed Juncos
- Mourning Doves
- Northern Flickers
- Pine Siskins
- Purple Finches
- Red Winged Blackbirds
- Robins
- White Breasted Sparrows
- White Capped Sparrows
I have seen Broad Winged Hawks here in past years but not spotted one yet this spring.
These stay year round:
- American Blue Jays
- Bald Eagles
- Chipping Sparrows
- Downy Woodpeckers (Smaller)
- Hairy Woodpeckers (Medium)
- Pileated Woodpeckers (Huge!)
The photo of the Pileated is a bit of a cheat. I took that last year in Mattawan where we have a recreational property. I never could figure out what he was getting out of that hydro pole!
Photography is for the birds!
The birds of South River, Ontario definitely give you a subject. The reality is photography isn’t just for the birds. You’ll have to come check out the landscape. But, that’s for another day. For now, I’m enjoying waking to the sound of many different birds in the area. There is great shooting most of the year but I have to admit spring is best.
Make it a great day!
What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful for long lenses, Pentax cameras and bird feeders. What are you thankful for today?
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