A couple of weeks ago I was complaining that “I wish summer would come” and yesterday I was complaining about the heat!
When you think about it, we spend a lot of time as Canadians complaining. It’s too hot, it’s too cold. The US doesn’t take us seriously, we want the Americans to stay out of our business. I think it’s about time we wake up and smell the roses!!
God created this amazing land of ours and I believe it’s perfect. We don’t get bored with the same season all year. We have great neighbours who care enough to be a bother! And we have an amazing wealth of talent that makes this country great.
I say if you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen!
On that note, I’m heading for the living room.
Have a great day!
What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful that I’m Canadian. I’m thankful today is supposed to be almost tropical! I’m thankful for everything God has given us, including heat!!