We were at Connexus on Sunday and the message was about surviving versus thriving.
The main point is that there is an spending epidemic in our society today and you have to wonder what has happened to our values. Marriages are suffering and people just don’t know what to do. Finances are one of the highest issues in families today. Lack of margin keeps up awake at night, we end up exhausted both physically and emotionally and that makes us really grumpy!
When did having two cars become more important than a quality vacation with the family? By quality, I mean something as simple as a week camping up north. We have some of the greatest scenery in the world right here in Ontario.
Do we really need three tv’s, two stereos and four cell phones in a family home?
Some times we just are so overwhelmed we don’t know where to start. Having come from the financial services industry, I suggest you call your advisor and go through a needs analysis with an open mind.
If you had a pain in your back, you wouldn’t likely fix it yourself. I would think you would see a doctor or chiropractor. So why would you continue doing what you have already proven doesn’t work?
We have been “surviving” for a few years now. It’s time to THRIVE!
Have a great day,