We often hear people with MLM opportunities say “anyone can do sales”. Bull roar! Sales isn’t for everyone but is it for you?
What is “Sales”?
Believe it or not, those MLM folks are partly right about sales. We all sell every day.
- Wife convinces husband to watch a favourite show.
- Child convinces a parent to change a rule.
- Mechanic convinces you the car needs an oil change.
- The clerk at McDonald’s asks “do you want fries with that”.
In every instance, someone is selling an idea, process, product or service to someone else. Sales is the act of convincing someone to change their mind about something with the hope that they will see things your way. The popular phrase in sales is “stop selling and help them buy”. No matter how you cut it, it’s still sales. You helped move someone from one position to another and if you did it well, they think it’s their idea! The question really becomes do you WANT to do sales? In each of the examples in the list above, someone had a strong desire to convince someone they had the best idea and their prospect NEEDED to follow their lead. What are you passionate about? Do you have a strong enough belief to risk being told no? If the answer is no, the response is NEXT! Find what you are passionate about and do that.
Is Sales Ability Natural or Can You Learn?
When you meet a “natural” sales person, the reality is that they learned from someone somewhere. Have you ever met that person who could sell anything to anyone? Take a look at their family and I will bet you someone close to them shows many of the same traits. This could digress into a discussion of nature versus nurture but I believe we grow up mimicking what we see. Now, if you didn’t grow up in an environment where “selling comes natural”, it just means you may have to make a decision to grow and change. There are a few ways to do this.
- Take a program at university.
- Seek employment with a company like investment or insurance.
- Choose a product or service and open your own business.
- Seek a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) opportunity.
Why Multi-Level Marketing?
Taking a program at university can cost thousands of dollars and years of your life. Insurance and investment companies are great for training but again, there is a commitment of time and cost. In my case, my monthly cost was over $700/month on average. I left that business.
Opening your own business? The sky is the limit! If you bought a franchise it could be hundreds of thousands. You would have to sell a lot of coffee to pay that off!
By far, the most economical way to get sales training and probably better than you could get at any university, is to find a reputable Multi-level Marketing Opportunity. My wife’s business is a great opportunity for personal growth. I watched a person one time who, when they started, was afraid of their own shadow. After a few months, they were presenting to the group of people who had been meeting every Friday to work on business planning together. Another that I really believe in is connected to this blog. And the training is free whether you join the business or not! Click here to check out coaching from Joel Therien.
The reality is you can learn sales if you want to. Start with Why!
Selling is one of the most lucrative careers for good reason. It’s not easy at first and takes time to learn. There are those who make sales, whether in a bricks and mortar business or MLM, look easy. I compare them to famous musicians. Most put in a lot of time and effort to become good at what they do.
Do you have what it takes? Do you want it bad enough to do the work? Sales isn’t for everyone but is it for you?
Make it a great day!
Barry P.S. What am I thankful for today? I’m thankful for learning opportunities. I’m thankful for the MLM industry. I’m thankful you took the time to read this far! What are you thankful for today?
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